Saturday, May 3, 2014


Technology has been changing drastically overtime.It has impacted us and has changed our world in so many different ways. With social media , it has connected new people and things every single day.It has created the popular culture we know and follow to day . Many people out there believe that it is helping our society in many different ways. But also many others believe that it is destroying our society. Technology has changed/evolved significantly even within the last ten to twenty years . When computers first came out they were huge and stationary you couldn't move them basically at all. and now you can travel with them in your backpacks. technology has allowed us to understand the world more. When disasters happen like the earth quake in Haiti without the use of technology we would of not known about this terrible event for sometime, and wouldn't of  been able to send aid to them as quick as we did. The way we communicate has evolved and is still evolving . Communication has always been present we are just finding new ways of communicating through technology. An example of this is twitter, Facebook, and even Craigslist. Like the movie we watched (Craigslist Joe)  where a young man Garner for 30 days uses only Craigslist to find a meal, a place to sleep, or a ride. We can communicate to people all across the world without even talking face to face or calling them, you can just send them a message instantly. even though communication and culture go together because culture is what we communicate so much  about our clothes, morals etc ,but culture has been different in ways. an example of this is the elite culture and the folk culture. A system was set in place to separate the rich from the poor. The Elite Culture, consisted of the classical music, fine arts, and literature. From this you see that not everyone is not able to access everything in that culture. Hundreds of years ago the rich and famous could only enjoy the fine arts. The Coming of the industrial Revolution changed everything about our culture. everyone had a better chance to be educated and to find better work and many new machines and inventions were made. With the Industrial Revolution the Elite Culture was forgotten and lost and the popular culture came in to place. The definition of popular culture" is the arts, artifacts ,entertainment, fads ,beliefs, and values that are shared by a large segment of our society." Popular Culture can change in a week, a day, even really an hour. It is the main thing that most people follow. Like I said communication and culture are right there together because without communication culture just does not work Because without communication  a culture couldn't really flourish because know ones talking about it and passing it on to one another. It would be started but then it would slowly die off.

technology is never going to stop growing ,our culture will always be changing no matter what, and the communication we have with each other, will never go anywhere. these things are just part of our world and are helping it grow. 

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