Sunday, May 4, 2014

Analyzing Music Videos

over the last week we started to analyze music videos and I really thought it was going to be kind of boring and a waste of time to be honest. But after looking at a bunch of music videos and analyzing them it actually became quite enjoyable. All of us had to pick a music video to really study and analyze.We looked at the Auteur of the music videos, which really refers to the director of the video. We also looked at the Diegesis which means basically the hidden meaning behind the video. With all these we looked at other aspects of the videos the sequence, focus and the mise-en-scene. These things deal with more of the filming of the video and how the scenes are really set up.The music video I enjoyed and actually remember being presented was Words I never Said by Lupe fiasco from this video I liked how Lupe in his video is really saying be yourself don't be afraid to stand up  what you believe in don't shy away, don't go with the crowd. Another video that I enjoyed was Fragile by tech N9ne ft Kendrick Lamar I liked this video because the video tells the story of someone going to a new school and being picked on or bullied just because he's new and maybe different. But at the end of the music video is shows someone being very kind and generous to him. After going through these videos I can actually analyze music videos pretty easily now and is interesting to me .

Lupe Fiasco "Words I Never Said" music video

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