Thursday, May 22, 2014

Semester Final essay

This world always changes and it forces people to follow that change. In 21st century, there are many different things compared to the previous era such as technology, transportation, and peoples lives. As we know it times change all the time for better or for worse whether we like it or not. Things evolve  and are different in time every aspect of life can change in a instance or over  a long period of time. Over this last semester we looked at ten different lessons and all of these lessons have some sort of Dramatic change in them.

Change is frequent especially with people in the movie 7 pounds you see this.  God created the world in 7 days and I destroyed mine in 7 days( 7 Pounds) . Ben Thomas was in a serious car crash that killed his fiancĂ© and 7 other people.  After this crash he was done. his life was over,  had nothing left, his insides were dead. From this he decided to change everything in his life dramatically to help others, because he had so much guilt for killing his wife and those other people. Ben decides to give his own body to show his remorse , he gives his own life for others, like a Christ figure. but you see the change he made in his life . it was a change for the worse for himself in a way . but also he found happiness in it. The change he made in his life led him to love again, but also led him to his death. In this picture you see that the sky is cloudy and the light is dim. This is just showing Ben inner turmoil that he is destroyed inside but it’s also a little light showing there’s a little hope for him .
Press pause play the change is frequent. Music changes every day some people feel for the worse some feel like it’s for the best. People say that it is getting easier to make music just because the technology is so advanced. Some artists feel like the artists are less talented just because the technology is so great. The Music will always be changing always getting more advanced there is nothing anybody can do music will just keep evolving till were dead and even after . the tag shows that it’s a new day . The bright sun shows that our future is bright like our  technology advances. Every day is a  new day for more technology to be built and more music to be made  .

So the image of the broken glass shows that Tayo has gotten through everything he has finally broken the glass of his past he can finally move on and change for the better. Tayo struggles with PTS(D) this picture of the glass broken around the floor shows him letting go of everything letting his brothers death go as well as letting go of all the racism hes had to deal with . Ceremony shows us that while there are many powerful evils in the world, adherence to traditional conventions can be used as a guide to return safely to one's roots. While Tayo doesn't use the ceremony that was used in the past, he is able to find one that works for him. This is able to solve the problems that the Native American culture had never experienced.

The biggest change in the way that we interact due to social media is the sheer number of people that we can interact with. In the past you were limited largely to people that you knew in person, today you can interact with people from all around the world. This is why you see people who have thousands of Facebook friends. They would never have that many friends if they had to interact with them in person. This gives you the opportunity to share opinions with a far wider range of people. Over the  years, we've seen social media 
shock thousands over politics, create as many industries as it has destroyed, and offer an abundance of visual 
and audio entertainment. This has changed everything in our world. the tag of the the unfinished roof shows that we are still building, still expanding on media its an unfinished thing.  

   This movie Smoke Signals isn't just supposed to be a mockery of Native American life and culture, but it is supposed to be a deeper look into Native American spirituality and ways of living. In the interview he stated, “the two women and their car provide a sense of time in the movie, when the past, present, and future are all the same, that circular sense of time which plays itself out in the seamless transitions from past to present.  It is the age old adage, that sometimes to go forward you have to go in reverse.  We as people can learn a thing or two from this story.  By reinvesting ourselves into our past, we can come to new realizations that could just change who we are and what we’re all about. The symbol from this is the reflection in the water sometimes to go forward you have to go back words to get rid of the pain and to find answers that have tormented you for a long time you have look in the past . The tag of the water its reflecting the sky . this just shows us that sometimes to go forward you have to go backwards.

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