Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Shallow Focus is a photographic technique incorporating a small depth of field. In shallow focus one plane of the image is in focus while the rest is out of focus. in this picture you see that it is a closeup of Ragnar Lathbroke leader of the tribe. You see the fierceness just in his face that hes not scared of anything. Looks like hes just looking straight through everything with those bright blue eyes prepared for anything.

In this picture Color is present the priest Athelstan is being crucified nailed to a cross like Jesus Christ for living with the vikings (the heathens ) worshiping their Gods rather than worshiping the true God, The Lord Jesus Christ that he was accustomed to before his temple was destroyed and he was taken hostage.The term color is put in this shot to give it more realism and portray the pain


This photo shows the costumes that Scofield, and Sucre, and the people in the background are wearing . From looking at their clothing/costumes you can clearly tell that they are in prison. The costumes are important just because the whole first season and some of the second they are in prison.


This shot taken in the show Vikings is for depth of field. You can see this because you notice all the warriors behind Ragnar walking toward the beach. From this shot The Viking warriors look like they are coming right at us with fierceness ready to fight .

Scofield and Sucre in the show Prison Break are looking in to the distant at something pressed up to the fence just waiting. From this shot we can see that there is deep focus in it just because both Scofield and Sucre are in focus but Sucre is just lower or next to him as it appears in the photo.

 You can see deep focus is being used here because the men with shields closest to the camera are protecting themselves from all the archers shooting arrows at them . Then you notice ocean and a boat in the distant farthest object form the camera anchored.

  This shot of Ragnar Lothbroke just shows the Offscreen space. You notice that hes not looking at the camera at all, but is looking down the hill in to the distant at the loss they suffered. Blood running down his face,There is almost like a shadow over his face showing the anger he has for the defeat they just had .

This table in Sons Of Anarchy Symbolizes power and dominance. if your in the club and seated at the table means that you are in a high command in the club. At the head of the table Jackson Teller the president/leader of the club, to Jacks  left is Chibs telford VP (vice president ) and to the right of Jack is Bobby Munson Sgt of Arms. This is a meeting for only the top men, and you can tell their dominance of these three men by looking at their arms their in dominant position.

Shows rear Projection because you can see a couple of Jack Tellers club members right behind him riding their bikes on the highway to get some where quickly. and also they are there to protect him in case any one comes up behind them at trys to run him over they can get in the way.

From this shot you can tell that Jack Teller is in distress and has much on his mind and is in deep thought just by observing his face.  You notice Most of his face and body is in the shadow meaning that he has much anger and feels lost and evil. But then you see a little bit of the sun is shining on his face meaning that there is hope and good in him still.

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