Monday, March 3, 2014

Reflection post 3

Through  all of last week we went through the book Ceremony and annotated it. Before going through all the annotating of.the book. It really confused me in every way possible.but as we were going over the book.My understanding of it is increased steadily and is still increasing. The book at times still confuses me and I have to go back and read over and over again. But its becoming a little easier to read day by day. Why its so confusing is just because it switches keeps switching to before WW2,  during World War 2 ,and after so at times you forget what your reading. And also its hard to read because Tayo develops P.T.S.D after the war and sometimes your reading and you don't know whether it happened or not. A thing that was interesting about the book is that Tayo is a a half breed. Half White half Indian so he's not always welcome in each of the colors or hes looked down on by some. I just think how its funny how you have to be a full breed back then to be really welcome in some areas. You have absolutely no control over whether your half breed full or whatever. 

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