Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Champion Views resistance as a gift of energy

The Best experience of my life that I have ever had was winning a state championship last year with my team. that was the best feeling ever, especially when you actually realize what you and your team just did ,and what you just went through to get there. The win It didn't really set in what we did till weeks later I just said to my self not to many people get to go through what I just went through with my team and how blessed  we were to have a chance to even play this game and to compete. the best part of it all was just spending time with your teammates and working through the ups and downs building these great relationships, and seeing how far we came to get that trophy,and that ring. That's one the reasons I've been working so hard is to get that trophy and ring now its just time to get another one.                                                                                                                       


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