Tuesday, December 17, 2013


through this whole year we have gone over the many different writing things and I have learned very much and have gotten better at writing. I have learned a bunch of new things such as the Laramie project play. I had no idea that had ever happened, had no clue what it was but after it all it really showed me that people can  have so many different stories to actually what really happened. This semester has been a learning experience for me throughout this whole semester even though its hard sometimes and annoying. this semester has better prepared me for the next step college. which will be harder, but this semester has been a good stepping stone to prepare me for college.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Laramie clips

After watching the clips we watched over the last week it really made me change my mind on really what happened. At first after reading the book I thought that what happened to Matthew Shepard was a hate crime just because he was a homosexual that's why they beat him up and killed him. but after watching the clips we watched it changed my mind dramatically, instead of thinking it was a hate crime I thought to myself that it really had no reason to do with whether he was gay, it really had to do with drugs, and that they wanted to rob him of everything he had and had nothing to do with whether he was gay or not.

memoir reflection #2

One of the memoirs that caught my eyes was the Don't Put Me In Coach what I liked about this memoir is that it shows even tho your not very good at playing basketball you can still give everything you got to make the team by walking on . also what I liked was that this ordinary, goofy, funny  is best friends with one of the best players to ever go to Ohio state Greg Oden soon to be the number one player taken in the draft.

knowing the Vietnam War

Vietnam War. what I know about this war is that it was the first war that was televised or captured on camera.This war is the only war that the united states did not come out with a win at the end of it america had to pull all the troops out of Vietnam . Another thing that I know about the Vietnam war is that its one of the only wars that the US government felt that they should stay out of it and not go all out into this war even some of the people felt like we should stay out of it.                                                                          

Lawrence Taylor

Over The Edge. Why I picked this book is because its about one of the greatest football players to ever play the game. This player is considered to be the greatest linebacker ever,why I picked it as well was just to see his life,  how he lived, and how he grew up. To see that even when you think you have everything, you honestly have nothing without even knowing it. seeing that people that seem so great and so amazing are just human, and have many struggles, when it seems like there life is great.

memoir reflection #1

The memoir that caught my attention was the Tim Tebow through my eyes why I liked this presentation  was because you saw the hard work and dedication he put into the game football, you saw his preparation. through , you saw that Tim Tebow had so many doubters to say he couldn't play QB in college, or he couldn't make it to the league, or win a Heisman. even with all those doubters he wanted to prove each and everyone wrong and he spent so much time doing so. what i liked as well from this presentation you see that Tebow is a very humble and godly man and that's something that I inspire to be.  

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Laramie project

After reading act 1 in the book Laramie project.  it hard  to understand the book but at times its hard,slow but it is very confusing at times what they are talking about, and who they are talking to. And so many people are talking so its hard to figure out what they mean when they are talking at times. Another reason its hard to read is that one person is talking about something, and then all of a sudden another person is talking about something else totally different. A lot of the time they answer someones questions from earlier or asking a question so its hard to understand. for example trish steger -Matt used to come into my shop that's how I knew him. Andy Paris it was the first time I heard him referred to as Matt instead of Matthew. Did he go by Matt to everyone. its just confusing how they change it up like that.


Thursday, September 26, 2013

The War

The Movie the war there were  many lesson conveyed in this movie. people can see there is much meaning and emotion that is shown throughout this movie.  one of the the lessons that was shown in the movie war people see is put others before your self, save others before yourself. for example when Stephen Simmons is working in the cave with his buddy the African american all of us can see that when the cave is starting to come down and hits his friend in the leg everybody knows that Mr Simmons could of just walked away and let him die or go get help. But instead he stays behind and trys to get his friend out and succeeds, but the cave comes down and crashes on Mr Simmons  face and body. By Stephen Simmons sacrificing to save his friend the result is in Mr Simmons death. that is a real sacrifice and is the true lesson of putting others before yourself.

in the War the images convey much meaning and emotion in everyday life these people are going through . Through the whole movie people can see that watch the movie how poor these people are and hard times they are going through. and how hard these people  have to work just to get by. an example we all see is that all the lipnickis kind of spend so much time or live in there junk yard and everybody who's watching the movie sees  the hard times these people are going through and how tough it is.

 The sound and music add meaning to the film in every way and people see that. all can see when watching the  movie the effect it has on the lessons. like when Mr lipnicki charges Stu Simmons because he was talking badly about him, but Stephen Simmons his father jumps in and tackles Mr lipnicki to the ground, and says "you can talk bad about me hit my car but when you try to get after my son that's where I step in and cut the line. after that Stu Simmons  fights with all the lipnicki children and they beat him up badly he wants to get back at them and get revenge like everybody else would want to. but his father would not let him instead of talking bad about the lipnicki children he walks up to some of them, and gives them two cotton candies and just walks away. During this time there is almost an inspiring sound/music playing in the back ground.
the various conflicts that all see that watch the movie see throughout the film. One of the conflicts in the movie people see is when Stu Simmons and Lidia Simmons Elva-dine go on the property of the lipnickis and the the lipnickis see them and Stu with his big mouth talks badly and he gets kicked around and beat up.another instance of some conflict in the War is when this lipnickis take over Stu Simmons, Lidia Simmons, Elvadine, Marsh, and chets tree house and they are not to fond of that so they attack and win it back ,but then the lipnickis come rushing back and they all go at it again.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Champion Views resistance as a gift of energy

The Best experience of my life that I have ever had was winning a state championship last year with my team. that was the best feeling ever, especially when you actually realize what you and your team just did ,and what you just went through to get there. The win It didn't really set in what we did till weeks later I just said to my self not to many people get to go through what I just went through with my team and how blessed  we were to have a chance to even play this game and to compete. the best part of it all was just spending time with your teammates and working through the ups and downs building these great relationships, and seeing how far we came to get that trophy,and that ring. That's one the reasons I've been working so hard is to get that trophy and ring now its just time to get another one.                                                                                                                       


Qdoba come and get it

Qdoba. Qdoba is my favorite resturant ever, its the best restaurant ever made. Why Its my favorite restaurant is just because of that caso sauce,it cant get much better then that. the service is just great and the meal I get always seems to fill me up, every time I go ,and I leave always satisfied . its a very clean and sanitary restaurant and you can always just kick back with your friends and have a good time. the employees serving you always are generous. they always seem to load your burrito to the fullest every single time I go.