Monday, February 3, 2014

ceremony reflection #1

Through all of last week we  read the book Ceremony. The book is literally the most confusing book I have ever read and I do not understand it at all.  I think its so confusing for me is  because it changes from past, present , and future when they are talking. I do not like the book at all mostly just because I don't understand anything they are saying most of the time. I understand the plot and the setting, just don't understand what they are talking about. I usually like books that are about war but this is just to confusing. Hopefully I will understand it by the end of the book. Its crazy what war can do to your mind and how not everybody is built to go fight for their country. Whats very interesting is how Tayo, even though he didn't want to go to war, went just because of his older brother Rocky.  I think that is interesting  just because I started playing football because of my older brother. Its crazy how you do something just because you look up to another person.

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